Join our story as a user.
The big dream is to create toki as an app that you can download. But before we get there, we will be trying out the concept in low-tech ways to get your feedback to make toki the best it could be! Sign up to be part of the journey and receive updates as we progress.

P. S. If you are a UQ student, CLICK HERE to join the 'toki @ UQ' Facebook group so that you can begin to toki with the 1000+ other UQ student tokinos right now!

Join our story as a business.
We are excited to work with and provide benefits to venues that can become beautiful contexts in which tokis can happen. Sign up below to express your interest. No commitments, no stress - just a way for us to get connected and have a chat.
Join our story as a team member.
Our mission is to make social connection spontaneously accessible for anyone, in any moment. Send us a message below if you're interested in joining the team to make this happen. Let's toki and have a chat to see if we're the right fit for each other.