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Why UQ?
Social connection is integral to our well-being. But life transitions like entering university when we are thrust into a whole new community of people often make us feel disconnected. In fact, 1 in 2 18-to 24-year-olds report feeling that they aren't socially connected enough. That's why 'toki' - which in Japanese means "a moment in time" - wants to help UQ students transform their everyday moments of uni life into little nuggets of social connection.
toki @ UQ

Let's go navigate the craziness of Market Day together!
Got 1 hour between tutes... anyone wanna go grab some ?

Any 1st year psyc students super lost in today's stats lecture...? Please revise w/ me

Who's down to go explore Brisbane this weekend!?!?

Acknowledgement of Country
We acknowledge the Traditional Owners and their custodianship of the beautiful lands throughout Australia on which we get to toki.
We pay our respects to their Ancestors and their descendants, who continue cultural and spiritual connections to Country.
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